McDonald’s Star of the Year
Click a category below, in blue , to place your vote. Vote often but you must exit and return to do so. Once you vote the candidates % of votes cast will show.
Click here to register for a free McDonald’s Meal. One each week in Ohio and Kentucky.
The winner of the GCBHOF McDonald’s Dr Pepper Star of the Year will be selected from the top 3 in fan voting.These 3 will be reviewed by a Board panel. Selection will be based on the players individual season and their contribution to the team and their success. ****************** Winners will be recognized at he annual GCBHOF banquet on May the 8th at Receptions in Fairfield Ohio. Winners will be notified following review by the board.*******************
Voting for thre Star of the Year will end at 10PM Friday March the 8th
Kentucky Boys ********* Kentucky Girls
Ohio Boys ********* Ohio Girls